Friday, February 3, 2012

Birthdays Past

It was my birthday on Wednesday, Hump Day, the middle of the week. As you get older, birthday's become funny affairs. No longer is birthdays the expected cake and presents and you get your way because you are the birthday princess day. This is not to say that I don't expect anything anymore on my birthdays, but they have morphed into Grownup birthdays.

Grownup birthdays are where one resigns oneself to the fact that if your birthday falls on a week day, it may just be an ordinary day at work, at school, etc. They happen. But for me, there is still this assumption that because it is my birthday, there is a rosy tint on the world and things will go my way. I was born on the very day, It MUST be special and the WORLD must acquiesce to that fact.  In reality the world is the same as it ever was, spinning on and on, no different than the previous morning when you awoke.

On the actual day of my birthday, I didn't do anything special. i went to class, did my homework, hung out with my friends. What made it special was my friends coming up and saying happy birthday, acknowledging the fact that I was born that day and that they cared enough to say happy birthday. We are going out to eat on friday, but all I really need for my birthday is the words of family and friends saying happy birthday, a hug, and a smile. Its nice to have your presence validated and esteemed in the world.

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